Well, what fun! It was too hard to pick and choose 7 blogs out of the cyber- gal pals I already have (I like you all too much to choose!!!) so I decided to search out 7 new bloggers for this award by doing a google search of a few of my favorite things..... christian, moms, homeschool, altered art...and here they are
Let a Woman Learn
Easily amused, hard to offend
Melissa's creative Space
The Renaissance Chameleon
Collage Contessa
keeper of the home
Nutbrown Cottage
7 wonderful gals and new friends- I hope!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Premio Meme Award
Well, I have never heard of it, was very glad to accept it ("I'd like to thank the academy....."), pleasantly surprised that I had another reader;) and so blessed to cyber-meet fellow artist and blogger Jessie of J.B. Guess & Co.
Premio Meme Award
The rules associated with this award are that I am to write seven little-known facts about myself, and then pass this award to seven of my fellow bloggers.
so, here we go....
1.I love the smell of a bowling alley- it reminds me of when I was little going with my mom, grandma, and later my little sister and my aunt to their bowling league games on Tuesdays . Afterward we would go to Long John Silver Restaurant and I would get extre FREE "crispies" with my meal. Little bits of deep fried batter crumbs- YUM!
2.I also love the smell of Long John Silver Restaurant. It reminds me of a time I could eat deep fried batter crumbs and not worry about clogged arteries- or moving up a pants size.
3. I was valedictorian of my senior class.
4. I graduated in a class of 8 students. ah- now #3 makes a little more sense to you.
5. I love Theology. I wish I could immerse myself in the teachings of Reformed theologians- past and present. Of course- I would have to start out with the basics- such as the well known book Deep Theology for Dummies. Don't bother googling that book- I just made it up.
6. I really like beer. Microbrews- not generic domestic crap like bud. I wish I could immerse myself in the study of beer. Of course, I would have to start out with the basics-such as the well known book Microbrews for Dummies. Actually, you could google that one- more of a liklihood that is an actual book.
7. I had a nic-name that my mom gave me as a child- friends, thankfully never found out about it, it was a term of endearment for me used by my parents, grandparents, and some aunts and uncles. ready for this? Hubber Ubber Sue-ber oober. It was sometimes shortened to just Hubber. Thankfully, most of the time they would just call me Heather Sue. If you try to address me as hubber I will block you from my blog. and if you are reading this on facebook- I will most definitely unfriend you. ;)
Ok- I know that I am only halfway done- I will post my list of 7 fellow bloggers later, While I sit blogging others lie sleeping and we are all going to be late. I am late for almost everything but work. That is a not so little known fact about me.
Premio Meme Award
The rules associated with this award are that I am to write seven little-known facts about myself, and then pass this award to seven of my fellow bloggers.
so, here we go....

1.I love the smell of a bowling alley- it reminds me of when I was little going with my mom, grandma, and later my little sister and my aunt to their bowling league games on Tuesdays . Afterward we would go to Long John Silver Restaurant and I would get extre FREE "crispies" with my meal. Little bits of deep fried batter crumbs- YUM!
2.I also love the smell of Long John Silver Restaurant. It reminds me of a time I could eat deep fried batter crumbs and not worry about clogged arteries- or moving up a pants size.
3. I was valedictorian of my senior class.
4. I graduated in a class of 8 students. ah- now #3 makes a little more sense to you.
5. I love Theology. I wish I could immerse myself in the teachings of Reformed theologians- past and present. Of course- I would have to start out with the basics- such as the well known book Deep Theology for Dummies. Don't bother googling that book- I just made it up.
6. I really like beer. Microbrews- not generic domestic crap like bud. I wish I could immerse myself in the study of beer. Of course, I would have to start out with the basics-such as the well known book Microbrews for Dummies. Actually, you could google that one- more of a liklihood that is an actual book.
7. I had a nic-name that my mom gave me as a child- friends, thankfully never found out about it, it was a term of endearment for me used by my parents, grandparents, and some aunts and uncles. ready for this? Hubber Ubber Sue-ber oober. It was sometimes shortened to just Hubber. Thankfully, most of the time they would just call me Heather Sue. If you try to address me as hubber I will block you from my blog. and if you are reading this on facebook- I will most definitely unfriend you. ;)
Ok- I know that I am only halfway done- I will post my list of 7 fellow bloggers later, While I sit blogging others lie sleeping and we are all going to be late. I am late for almost everything but work. That is a not so little known fact about me.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Life is short. Precious, but short.

Last week my dear pappy passed away. I have been going almost nonstop since. Almost nonstop- had brief interludes of sitting at the airport (actually 4 airports if we are counting), and sitting on the plane (4 planes). God has granted me moments to meditate- on my pappy, his life, our relationship, my extended family, and my own mortality.
After the funeral, I had the blessed opportunity to spend some time with my sweet Aunt Mary (the sister of my departed grandma). I was able to take a day to stop, stay, and fellowship with one of the few older relatives still in my life. As a child I would sleepover at her house, go bowling, picnicing, and to meals on wheels with her. She is still on the go at the young age of 81. I hadn't seen her since my grandma's funeral- over 3 years ago. Too long. We talked and talked. I asked questions, so many questions, about my families past. She was delighted to share with me. We looked at pictures, many pictures, and talked. We visited my grandma and pappy's grave, We went to dinner with more family that I hadn't seen in forever, and at dinner we all talked and talked, laughed, and talked, hugged, And said our goodbyes. Not for long I hope. I had missed my extended family, and with my busy life hadn't realized how much I had missed them.
There were more family I didn't have the opportunity to visit. My sincere prayer is that I can visit with all of them too soon...and talk...laugh, cry, and talk.
Life is short. Precious, but short. I truly have failed miserably in keeping touch with the dear family God has given me. The family in our lives are not there randomly. These are people God has chosen to bond us with through blood. Not to be taken lightly I now believe. We share memories, ancestors, a common history, and love for those who have passed. May we also share our Savior and a true love for each other.
I miss my pappy. I miss him dearly. He gave me so much during his life. There were stories, jokes, and stories, coffee, checkers, and stories, the garden, card games,and stories! Did I mention the stories? He also gave me the priceless gifts of his forgiveness, his patience, and understanding. I realize pappy mellowed with age. I believe I was able to know him during the best years of his life. He truly loved me I truly loved him. I miss my pappy.
The last thing pappy gave me was the precious gift of being with family. I miss my grandma and pappy, more than words can say. But I still have my Aunt Mary. I still have my Uncle Randy, my Aunt Susan, My cousins Randy and Nick, My cousin Sean, my Uncle Russ, my Uncle George, my Aunt Gerry, my Uncle Walt, And on my dad's side, my Dad, his wife Janet, my grandma, my Aunt Sandie, my Uncle Ron, my cousin's Kristen, Stacie, and Nickie.
And I still have my sister Kim, and Brian, my brother Matt, Grace and ALL my sweet nieces and priecious nephews!!!
And I still have my dear husband Kevin, and my own beloved children!!
My prayer today is that I get through the rest of the week (still going nonstop- remember!!!)
But more importantly that I go through the rest of my life visiting, calling, emailing and remembering my family. God chose each one of them to be family to me. They are all a gift from Him. Father, please help me to be a blessing to EACH one of them.
Friday, June 12, 2009
burnt potato soup for the soul
Well, had a day off yesterday, or should that be an off day...had A LOT I wanted to accomplished. Here are the tasks from that list that I actually accomplished:
cleaned bathroom
Now don't get me wrong, I did have quite the day, manged to turn a quick trip to Walmart into a not so quick trip that sucked up most of the morning. Came home to make lunch and burnt...ruined a batch of potato soup. Good thing I bought the potatoes on sale at Walmart. PBJs for everyone! Not exactly the rainy day comfort meal I had in mind. Was a bit tired from working my double shift on Wednesday so decided to lay down for a few minutes and woke from my coma 2 hours later. (Maybe I am getting too old to work double shifts- or too out of shape).
But we did round out the day with a make up comfort meal for dinner- Meatloaf w/ that yummy sauce, mashed potatoes And baked mac and cheese, candied carrots And broccoli...tried to hit everyones favorites. Nothing burnt. yay! But the best thing for dinner was the laughter. I had one of those mental snapshot moments where I sat back watching all my kids laughing with dad over a homemade meal. Nevermind the fact that it was after 7pm when we all finally sat down to eat. (remember the 2 hour nap threw off my timing a bit) zero arguements at the table, zero complaints, 7 happy faces and full tummys.
Now granted the rest of the day didn't go perfectly...bedtime for the little ones was a bit challenging for whatever reason.
Well, not exactly a chicken soup for the soul entry, but that was my day.
Today back to work for another double. Leaving behind many, oh so many unaccomplished tasks, leftovers in the fridge for the fam, and a clean bathroom. Taking with me my mental to do list and my mental picture from dinner ;).
Well, I am off to take a shower in my clean bathroom. Did I mention I cleaned the bathroom?
Leaving ya with my Gracie's favorite song and now one of favorites too..can really identify with the words of the song, except when the gal sings about being 20 years of age. I'm just a bit older, still great song.
But we did round out the day with a make up comfort meal for dinner- Meatloaf w/ that yummy sauce, mashed potatoes And baked mac and cheese, candied carrots And broccoli...tried to hit everyones favorites. Nothing burnt. yay! But the best thing for dinner was the laughter. I had one of those mental snapshot moments where I sat back watching all my kids laughing with dad over a homemade meal. Nevermind the fact that it was after 7pm when we all finally sat down to eat. (remember the 2 hour nap threw off my timing a bit) zero arguements at the table, zero complaints, 7 happy faces and full tummys.
Now granted the rest of the day didn't go perfectly...bedtime for the little ones was a bit challenging for whatever reason.
Well, not exactly a chicken soup for the soul entry, but that was my day.
Today back to work for another double. Leaving behind many, oh so many unaccomplished tasks, leftovers in the fridge for the fam, and a clean bathroom. Taking with me my mental to do list and my mental picture from dinner ;).
Well, I am off to take a shower in my clean bathroom. Did I mention I cleaned the bathroom?
Leaving ya with my Gracie's favorite song and now one of favorites too..can really identify with the words of the song, except when the gal sings about being 20 years of age. I'm just a bit older, still great song.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
More on me (not moron, me)
So, I want to use my blog to share my art with others and honestly, to also use it as one of the building blocks in reaching my dream of being able to earn an income from home. (Which honestly is moving as slow as molasses- in January- in Maine- in the morning- before the wood furnace has been fired up- where you can see your breath in the kitchen- where you are trying to pour the wicked slow molasses) Anyhow.... I also am feeling the need to step out of my comfort zone and share- dare I say- my thoughts- and, (squirming uncomfortably a bit) more of my personal life. I want to be a more open person and I think that being myself on my blog is a good start. After all- it really isn't that hard- I mean- at this point I may only have a couple of readers (you know who you are) so- it is not like I am baring my soul to the entire world. Still it is good for me, and probably for you too. After all, when you spend a bit of time with me- you could possibly walk away saying... "hey, I (meaning you, the reader) really am not that bad off... or that weird, or that depressed, or that crazy, or ...well you feel in the blank ;) Don't get me wrong, I am not bragging about being imperfect (kinda like being proud of being humble). "I am what I am" ( words from the great philosopher from the early part of the 20th century, Popeye) Actually I think it was "I yam what I yam."The words of a song we sang at Free Grace last Sunday really stuck with me "Sinners then shall learn from me And return, O God, to Thee." So if you are looking for some imperfect, unpretentious encouragement, advice, friendship... I'm here for ya babe.
God is sovereign, I am not perfect, God loves me in all my imperfectness, and I love God the best I know how. That is about it for now I guess....more imperfect blog accounts will follow.
Here's the whole song. Well actually, it is not the whole song- after listening to it I realized Jars of Clay doesn't sing the one verse I had mentioned above. So I'll post those words at the bottom. Hope it makes you cry this morning... in a good way...
God be merciful to me on Thy grace, I rest my plea
Plenteous in compassion Thou
Blot out my transgressions now
Wash me, make me pure within
Cleanse, oh, cleanse me from my sin
My transgressions I confess
Grief and guilt my soul oppress
I have sinned against Thy grace
And provoked Thee to Thy face
I confess Thy judgment just
Speechless, I, Thy mercy trust
I am evil born in sin
Thou desirest truth within
Thou alone my Savior art
Teach Thy wisdom to my heart
Make me pure, Thy grace bestow
Wash me whiter than the snow
Gracious God, my heart renew
Make my spirit right and true
Thy salvation's joy impart
Steadfast make my willing heart
Steadfast make my willing heart
Broken, humbled to the dust
By Thy wrath and judgment just
Let my contrite heart rejoice
And in gladness hear Thy voice
From my sins, oh, hide Thy face
Blot them out in boundless grace
one more verse....
Sinners then shall learn from me
And return, O God, to Thee;
Savior, all my guilt remove,
And my tongue shall sing Thy love;
Touch my silent lips, O Lord,
And my mouth shall praise accord.
God is sovereign, I am not perfect, God loves me in all my imperfectness, and I love God the best I know how. That is about it for now I guess....more imperfect blog accounts will follow.
Here's the whole song. Well actually, it is not the whole song- after listening to it I realized Jars of Clay doesn't sing the one verse I had mentioned above. So I'll post those words at the bottom. Hope it makes you cry this morning... in a good way...
God be merciful to me on Thy grace, I rest my plea
Plenteous in compassion Thou
Blot out my transgressions now
Wash me, make me pure within
Cleanse, oh, cleanse me from my sin
My transgressions I confess
Grief and guilt my soul oppress
I have sinned against Thy grace
And provoked Thee to Thy face
I confess Thy judgment just
Speechless, I, Thy mercy trust
I am evil born in sin
Thou desirest truth within
Thou alone my Savior art
Teach Thy wisdom to my heart
Make me pure, Thy grace bestow
Wash me whiter than the snow
Gracious God, my heart renew
Make my spirit right and true
Thy salvation's joy impart
Steadfast make my willing heart
Steadfast make my willing heart
Broken, humbled to the dust
By Thy wrath and judgment just
Let my contrite heart rejoice
And in gladness hear Thy voice
From my sins, oh, hide Thy face
Blot them out in boundless grace
one more verse....
Sinners then shall learn from me
And return, O God, to Thee;
Savior, all my guilt remove,
And my tongue shall sing Thy love;
Touch my silent lips, O Lord,
And my mouth shall praise accord.
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