My first altered doll- and a new found interest- a gypsy cottage style look. Lovely imperfect fabrics and found objects-pieces- discarded, forgotten. God takes the tattered pieces of our lives and makes something beautiful of it.I am not perfect, but I am beautiful- everything about me is covered by God's love and his sovereign grace- my shortcomings, my mistakes, my past, my future, my children, my husband, my needs, my desires.....my beautiful life!!! Thank you oh Father for your love for me! Please help me to share your sweet beauty and grace with others.
The pretty aqua-blue "skirt" is a dress from Moss Hill Studio collage sheet-
I love Moss Hill Studio!!
Heather, this Gyspsy doll is so devine! Its so sweet, yet so eye catching! Thank you so much for sharing her with us :D I think she deserves a name -- she is to precious not to have a name :)
Thanks Skye! :) I hadn't thought about a name...hmmmm...
I can see the Mosshill influence in this doll. Good job. I love using the old and making it new.
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