I am so pleased to be part of the design team for the
Creative paper artists (CPA) blog and
CPA art forum.It keeps me creating...even in the midst of the busiest holiday season ever! 2 jobs, 5 kiddos, and soooo much to do! BUT it is January now, and time to slow down and breathe. That should be everyone's new year resolution after the holidays...sloooow down and breeeeeathe :)
Well, the theme for the CPA challenge was new year resolutions. materials,- chipboard and acrylic paint, and the technique- torn paper.
My artitstic take on this challenge is a simple set of magnets of torn vintage wallpaper with my favorite theme of HOME.
My thoughts this new year are of home and my family, my hope and prayer is to spend more time here...and a little less out there :)
Please stop by our blog and see all the creative takes on resolutions!!
Please try your hand at this challenge and/ or at any of our challenges on the forum! There is something for everyone! Tag challenge, green (recycled art) challenge, color challenges, ETC!! And sooo much fun! Creative Paper artists (click then scroll down to challenges ).